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Jewish Community Center 1414 Walnut Street Berkeley CA 94709    
Jewish Community Center

Berkeley Richmond JCC

Enriching Our Diverse Community
Programs for Members and Non-Members

When you step into the JCC, you'll find an active, vibrant center with participation from our diverse community, served by a dedicated staff, and a wide array of quality year-round programs, activities, and special events. You?ll feel at home.

It is here that people of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities and beliefs come to be entertained, get healthy, socialize, exchange ideas, learn, laugh and live. Our center has children's programs, education, art, group activites, and special events for all ages.

  ? living & learning
our seniors
health & fitness

Committed to Our Members and Our Community

For the past 25 years, the BRJCC has been committed to enriching the lives of our members and the community through our commitment to families. You don?t just join our JCC; you become a member of our family.

  ? our community
  ? about us

Events - Workshops - Classes - Lectures

Language & Literature, book clubs, Jewish Folk Music Chorus, film, painting and other group activities plus entertainment trips are only some of the activities at BRJCC. Explore our valuable resources, special events and holiday celebrations and topics. New activities are scheduled all the time.

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Support Your Center

We invite your participation and support ? and please, let us hear from you with your . It?s your JCC. 


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