Jewish Community Center 1414 Walnut Street Berkeley CA 94709 | |||
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Mission StatementWe Celebrate Our Community? about us ?To create you must first imagine? ?Jewish Community Center of Northern Alameda County In today?s world of diversity and change, we celebrate the many ways in which Jews live in community. WE BELIEVEJewish community centers provide a unique environment and programs that help individuals and families lead Jewish lives informed by Jewish values. The Jewish Community Center is a forum for connecting the many strands in Jewish communal life serving as a meeting place/home for all who wish to participate. PURPOSE AND MISSIONWe strive to enrich Jewish life in our community by providing a Jewish center/home where all are welcome. The JCC is committed to offering meaningful experiences through a mix of formal and informal educational, recreational and cultural activities. MAJOR GOALS AND PRINCIPLES
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