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Jewish Community Center 1414 Walnut Street Berkeley CA 94709    

Preschool Enrollment

Become a Member

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After receiving an application with a $50 nonrefundable deposit the family?s application will be put on the list for that enrollment period. A family may submit an application at anytime. New families must complete an application and pay a non-refundable application fee of $50. application form Adobe Acrobat Reader

You Must Become a Member of BRJCC

Before your child starts preschool, you will be required to become a member of the Berkeley Richmond Jewish Community Center, and pay a $300 deposit which will be refunded upon leaving (if your accounts are in good standing).

Volunteer Hours are Required

There is a requirement of 15 volunteer hours per year or $200 in lieu of volunteer participation.

When Are Enrollment Decisions Made?

The school year begins in September.
Enrollment decisions are made in the Spring before your child would start.


You can arrange a tour by contacting the director. Tours are conducted from November through April or as needed.

Preschool Director - Preschool License - Information

Pre-school license: #010205688
Preschool Director: Sima Zeiger

? Information: call x122 or email



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