Jewish Community Center 1414 Walnut Street Berkeley CA 94709 | |||
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Preschool EnrollmentBecome a Member? preschool APPLICATIONS and ENROLLMENTAfter receiving an application with a $50 nonrefundable deposit the family?s application will be put on the list for that enrollment period. A family may submit an application at anytime. New families must complete an application and pay a non-refundable application fee of $50. application form Adobe Acrobat Reader You Must Become a Member of BRJCCBefore your child starts preschool, you will be required to become a member of the Berkeley Richmond Jewish Community Center, and pay a $300 deposit which will be refunded upon leaving (if your accounts are in good standing). Volunteer Hours are RequiredThere is a requirement of 15 volunteer hours per year or $200 in lieu of volunteer participation. When Are Enrollment Decisions Made?The school year begins in September. ToursYou can arrange a tour by contacting the director. Tours are conducted from November through April or as needed. Preschool Director - Preschool License - InformationPre-school license: #010205688
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