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Jewish Community Center 1414 Walnut Street Berkeley CA 94709    

Center Stage Berkeley

Celebrating Jewish Holidays Afterschool

? Center Stage Berkeley
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? Jewish holidays
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Friday afternoons Welcome Shabbat

Each Friday afternoon we celebrate the culmination of the work and school week by welcoming Shabbat. To pass on to our children Shabbat traditions, we light candles, break the bread and bless the ?wine? (grape juice).

Special Activities and Experiential Learning on Jewish Holidays

Special activities and experiential learning are also implemented to engage the children in the Jewish holidays and other cultural celebrations. Some of the activities from the past have included programs for the High Holidays, Sukkot, Chanukkah, Tu B?Shevat, Purim, and Passover.

We Celebrate Other Important Dates

Special programs and activities also take place on important dates, such as Earth Day, African American History Month, International Women?s Day and other cultural events dates.



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