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Jewish Community Center 1414 Walnut Street Berkeley CA 94709    

Center Stage Berkeley

Transportation Afterschool

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Services for Different Locations

Children from the Berkeley Unified School District are primarily brought to the JCC via district buses.

Children from Oxford Elementary and Berkeley Arts Magnet are met at school by Center Stage staff and walk together back to the JCC. On rainy days our vans pick up these children.

Children from Albany and West Contra Costa schools use our van service to be transported to the JCC.

If the van service is used extensively for pick up of Berkeley Arts Magnet children, there may need to be a transportation charge added to your monthly tuition.

Schedule a Pick-up and Drop-off

In order for us to schedule a regular pick-up and drop-off, a minimum number of children per stop per pick-up time is required. Past pick-ups have included Marin, Cornell, and Kensington. Additional pick-up points can be established as demand dictates.

Safety - Drivers are Youth Bus Certified

Our vans and drivers are Youth Bus certified through the CHP and all passengers are required to wear seat belts. Our vans are also used for field trips and rainy days.

 Van Transportation Costs - Albany & Kensington

5 days - $155
4 days - $135
3 days - $120

Please note:

1. Selected time slot is based on dismissal time to the nearest 15 minutes
2. A fee for early release days will be applied
3. Transportation charges subject to change



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