Jewish Community Center 1414 Walnut Street Berkeley CA 94709 | |||
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Berkeley J Camp RegistrationRegister Your Child Early? camp BRJCC MEMBERSHIPYou may become a member of the BRJCC when you register your child for camp. BRJCC membership entitles you and your family to discounted participation in BRJCC classes, programs, and community events. Please see the BRJCC Newsletter for more information about membership benefits. REGISTRATIONComplete one registration form for each child. Include a non-refundable registration fee of $50 for each camper. Full payment of summer program fees must be made no later than Monday, May 26, 2006 for all programs. Children will not be accepted at camp if fees are not paid in full. EXTENDED CAREThe Berkeley J Summer Camp will provide childcare after the camp day, Monday through Friday, for an additional fee of $45 per week. The camp day is from 9am - 4pm. Extended Care hours are 4pm - 6pm. Early care is also available from 8am - 9am. PARENT PACKETS FOR PRE-REGISTRATIONA parent packet, which includes a camper information form, specialty classes sign-up form, medical and emergency papers will be forthcoming. These papers must be completed and submitted by Friday, June 9, 2006 for all pre-registered campers.
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