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Jewish Community Center 1414 Walnut Street Berkeley CA 94709    

Center Stage Berkeley

Specialties Classes Winter 2006

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Capoeira Class : (Kindergarten-6th grade)

Capoeira is a 500 years old martial art form that comes from Brazil. More than just another martial art, it is an art of expression, play and personal interaction that combines rhythm, dance, and movement. This is a beautiful martial arts form.
Once per week - call x116 for info

Aikido Class (Kindergarten-6th grade)

Aikido, pronunced "eye-key-doe", is a way of learning to move gracefully in the world, both within ourselves and with our "partners." Aikido is more than just a physical form of self-defense. It is a physical, mental, and spiritual path for growth and development.
Taught by Black Bell Aikido instructor Kayla Feder from Aikido of Berkeley.
Once per week - call x116 for info

Mexican Paper Sculpture (Kindergarten-6th grade)

Cartoneria is an ancient Mexican art form that combines Aztec knowledge and Spanish art techniques to create fantastic paper sculptures. In this course, we'll create fantastic and colorful sculptures from paper and recycled materials. Using mythological beasts and characters as a starting point, we'll incorporate diverse elements from creatures such as dragons and demons, to create new and antique forms.
Once per week - call x116 for info

Drama Class

Have a flair for the dramatic? Why not join Drama? Play games, create silly characters, explore improvisation and storytelling in Drama. Classes will last 12 weeks, during which time the children will work toward another fantastic production, to be presented at the end of the 12 weeks.
Once per week - call x116 for info



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